Post Release. Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics’2013 International Specialized Exhibition
The 8th edition of Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics International Specialized Exhibition has become the central event for innovative laser, optical and electronic technologies in 2013. It was organized by Expocentre ZAO in partnership with the Laser Association of Russia and ran from 25 to 27 March at Expocentre Fairgrounds.
The exhibition was held with support and assistance from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, the European Optical Society (EOS) and the Association of German Engineers Technology Centre (the VDI Technologiezentrum), and under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Government.
Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics is held to the highest standards of the exhibition industry, which is demonstrated not only by the fact that it is regularly attended by industry leaders in photonics and optoelectronics, but also by the awards the show has got from the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF).
The opening ceremony featured congratulation speeches by Holger Junge, Head of the Secretariat of the European Technology Platform Photonics21 and Zhu Xiao, President of the Hubei Province Laser Association (China).
The exhibition was attended by 145 companies from 11 countries including Belarus, Germany, China, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Russia, the USA, Ukraine, France, Switzerland and Sweden.
Germany, China and France arranged their national pavilions at the exhibition. 19 German companies attended the show. China, for the first time, presented two national pavilions, one of which represented the largest technopark for the laser industry in China - the Hubei Provice Technopark. France also put on display very interesting innovations, which attracted mush attention of industry specialists.
This was the first time that the Photonics exhibition had been attended by a Lithuanian Technopark - the Vilnyus Institute of Physics Technology Park.
Photonics’2013 has showed that the level of academic, applied and commercialized innovation in Russia and other countries is really high. The latest achievements were put on display by world-renowned companies including PIMicos GmbH, Ohara GmbH, Dilas Diodenlaser GmbH, Jenoptik Laser GmbH, Limo Lissotschenko Mikrooptik, Trumpf Laser, Cryslaser Inc., Meimann Technology Co. Ltd., Altechna UAB, Lahoux Optics B.V., Leybold Optics (Buhler AG) and many others.
On the net show floor of 1 660 m2, the exhibition showcased original developments in photonics, and new photonic components, units and instruments. The feature areas of the show demonstrated laser sources, optical materials and processing technologies, optical elements, fiber optical equipment, night vision devices, optoelectronic technologies and equipment, nanophotonics technologies, biomedical equipment using photonics technologies, laser medicine and photoelectronic technologies, and other photonics products.
Photonics’2013 generated great interest among industry professionals. The visitor attendance per stand made up some 50 people. In three exhibition days, the show was attended by 6 190 people, 96% of whom were industry specialists. The total visitor attendance was 7 320.
The exhibition featured an extensive programme of business-related events prepared by the Laser Association of Russia. These events allowed the visitors and exhibitors to get first-hand information, source new partners and like-minded people for tackling challenges facing the sector.
The programme opened with a session of the State Duma Expert Committee on the Development of the Institutions of Russia’s Innovation System called the Legal Framework for Knowledge-Based Activity in Russia. The discussion of the subject continued at the round-table Photonics: Subject and Terminology. The same day featured a presentation Photonics in EU Member States: Objectives, Priorities, International Projects, held by the Secretariat of the European Technology Platform Photonics21. Russian and Chinese photonics specialists held the round-table discussion Prospects for Joint Projects with Chinese Laser and Optics Companies.
The delegates to the Photonics in the CIS Workshop exchanged their views on and experience of creating cutting-edge laser and optical, and nanophotonic technologies. Specialists from the Stelmakh Polus Research and Development Institute ran the seminar and presentation the Stelmakh Polus R&D Institute: 50 Years at the Cutting Edge of the Industry.
The Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics’2013 exhibition incorporated seminars, presentations, round-table discussions and work group sessions.
The Laser Association officials announced the winners of the competition for the Best Russian Development Award in the field of lasers and laser technologies.