20 / 03 / 2013
8th International Specialized Exhibition for Optical, Laser and Optoelectronic Technologies


The 8th Edition of the International Specialized Exhibition for Optical, Laser and Optoelectronic Technologies – Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics’2013 – will be running in Pavilion No. 7 (Halls 1 and 2) of Expocentre Fairgrounds on 25-27 March 2013.

The exhibition is organized by Expocentre ZAO in partnership with the Laser Association under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Government.

It runs with support from the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus, the European Optical Society (EOS) and the Association of German Engineers Technology Centre (the VDI Technologiezentrum).

The exhibition is always held to the highest standards of the global exhibition industry, which is confirmed by Approved Event Logos made to the event by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF)

The 2013 edition of the Photonics exhibition will be compact and reach in innovations, taking up net floor space of 1 631 m2. The show will be attended by 150 companies from 13 countries, including Belarus, Germany, Canada, China, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Russia, the USA, Ukraine, France, Switzerland and Sweden.

Photonics’2013 has attracted an unprecedented number of international companies and associations. Germany’s national pavilion will present 19 industry-leading companies. China will, for the first time, put on display 2 national pavilions, with one representing Hubei Technology Park - the largest technology park for the laser industry in China. France will also take part in the exhibition with its national pavilion. For the first time ever, the Photonics exhibition will be featuring a Lithuanian Technology Park – the Vilnius Institute of Physics Technology Park.

The foreign exhibitors will include PIMicos GmbH, Ohara GmbH, Dilas Diodenlaser GmbH, Jenoptik Laser GmbH, Limo Lissotschenko Mikrooptik, Trumpf Laser, Cryslaser Inc., Hubei Sinoshow Exhibition Co., Altechna UAB, Lahoux Optics B.V., Leybold Optics (Buhler AG) and many others.

Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics’2013 will be showcasing laser sources and components; optical materials and processing technologies; fiber-optical technology; laser technology for cutting, welding, marking and other processes, laser-optical monitoring and measuring equipment; night vision equipment; optical and laser rifle scopes; optoelectronics, nanophotonics; optical systems for registering, storing, processing and transmitting information; photonics-driven biomedical equipment; laser medicine technology etc.

A substantial programme of business-related events, prepared by the Laser Association, will be of interest to exhibitors and visitors alike as a source of first-hand information and an opportunity to meet like-minded colleagues in order to address the most urgent industry issues.

The key events on the programme are:

  • an open session of the Russian Federation State Duma Expert Committee on the development of the Russian national system of innovation;
  • The M.F. Stelmakh Polus Reserch and Development Institute: 50 Years at the Cutting Edge of the Industry, a seminar and presentation;
  • Prospects for Joint Projects with Chinese Laser and Optics Companies, a round-table discussion; 
  • The award ceremony of the competition for the Best Russian Development Award in the field of laser devices and laser and optical technology.

Further information about the events on the Photonics’2013 programme is available on



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